KASSANDRA in «Die Orestie: Agamemnon» I.

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    Act III 

    Cassandra with the Chorus.  

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    32098278 9783150195352 XlCASSANDRA: 
    Woe! woe! alas! alas! ye miseries!
    Of faithful augury the direful toil
    Racks me once more, with bodeful preludings
    Vexing my soul.—Seated within these halls,
    See, tender boys, like dreamy phantoms; children,
    As by their dear ones done to death, their hands
    Filled with their proper flesh, for nutriment;
    Their heart and vitals,—loathsome, piteous, meal,—
    Look, how they hold,—their sire has tasted, look!
    For these, I say, vengeance devising, waits
    A dastard lion, wallowing in bed;
    House-warden, sooth, to him that's come, my master,
    For the slave's yoke, alas! I needs must bear.
    The naval leader, leveller of Troy,
    He knows not that the fell she-dog, whose tongue
    Spoke words of guileful welcome, long drawn out,
    Like lurking Atè, will achieve his doom.
    Such things she dares; the female slays the male!
    Her,—what detested monster may I name
    And hit the mark?—Some basilisk, or Scylla
    Housing in rocks, deadly to mariners,
    Infuriate dam of Hades, breathing forth,
    Against her dearest, curse implacable?
    What triumph-notes exultantly she raised,
    All daring one, as in the turn of fight,
    Feigning to gratulate his safe return!
    What boots it whether I persuade or no?
    The doomed must come; ere long to pity moved,
    Me thou wilt own a prophet all too true.

    Sitb Sticker V3 Xsmall. CB485946477


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