ELEKTRA in «Die Orestie: Die Choephoren» II.

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    Act I 

    Electra with the Chorus. 

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    32098278 9783150195352 XlELECTRA: 
    Of powers above the earth and powers below
    Herald supreme, escorter of the shades,
    Hermes, now summon to attend my prayer
    The guardians of my father's house, dread powers,
    Throned in the nether world, and mother Earth,
    Who all things bringeth forth, who fosters all,
    And doth of all receive again the germ.
    And I, libations pouring to the dead,
    Thus pray, my Sire invoking;—"Pity me,
    And dear Orestes pity;—how shall we
    Rule in our palace-home? for sold, alas!
    By her who bare us, we as outcasts stray;
    While, for Ægisthos, 'complice in thy death,
    Her lord she bartered;—slavish is my lot,
    Orestes exiled from his wealth, the while
    Revel the twain, exulting in thy toils.
    That home Orestes may at length return,
    By glad success escorted, I implore.
    Give ear, and grant me, Father, to become
    Sounder of mind by far than is my mother,
    With hands more pure. For us these orisons;
    But for thy foes, Father, this prayer I urge,
    That Justice, thine avenger, may appear,
    So that thy slayers may in turn be slain.
    For them an evil utterance I pour.
    To us upsend these blessings from below,
    With gods, and Earth, and Justice conquest-crowned."
    Over such prayers, libations, lo! I pour.
    Yours be it now, lifting the solemn wail,
    To crown with dole the pæan of the dead.

    [While the Chorus sings the following Ode, Electra ascends the steps of the tomb, and pours the libation.]

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